Definitely not or I wouldn't be back with a new post. However, I might as well be. Why so? First of all I've had my most stressful semester so far, which explains my long absence, but I'm glad I made it through albeit lots of last minutes with a total of 8 individual assignments and 8 group assignments. Then when I thought the worst is over, I got threatened with the fact that I might be sleeping at the streets if I can't find myself a decent place to stay by the end of the year, which explains why I'm still stuck here in my hostel instead of being back with my family and friends. I guess we won't be neighbours, Ivan, as much as I want to because the house just wasn't meant to be mine. On top of all that, given the fact that the fate of 8 people including me is in my hands(a little dramatic but true :P ) just doesn't make things any more easier. I need to find a place ASAP! Oh, did I mention I lost my mobile? Thanks to Kel for solving my woes on that matter. All that and my partial greediness has also led to WEIGHT GAIN! Arghhhh... Pardon my negativity but before I could relax I need to settle everything. Damn, I need a fitness instructor. Oh, forget fitness instructor, I need a life coach. Sigh... To end this pathetic post, I'm going to let you in on my current thought; 9 subjects next semester! One word, dead...
PS: HAPPY 21st Al. Sorry that I couldn't put you in a happier post lol...
8 years ago
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