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My blog was not the only thing that went through a make over. Stay tune to see what I did to my room after weeks of living in a manmade jungle


I need a date this weekend! Anyone wants to go for PC fair?

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A tribute to one of Malaysia's finest director. Famed for her unpretentious works that promotes harmony and racial unity. Her achievements includes the series of Petronas commercial which will be dearly remembered. RIP Yasmin.

A Breezy Day

Posted by Ivan Lee On 7:28 AM 0 comments
I can't believe the day is about to be over. 24 hours is definitely insufficient as I have yet to complete all of my task. Part of me wants to just laze around all day long and enjoy the last bit of my day off but my conscience, the rational one, tells me that I need to wash my dirty laundry, clean my car, tidy my messy room, wash the toilet and update my weekly schedule. Instead of listening to my inner good side, I gave in to the dark force which explains why I'm blogging right now...

Speaking of blogging, I just noticed that lately I've been posting entries without a single picture which is so unlike my earlier posts. Ever since my laptop tragedy, I've been reluctant to transfer pics from my mobile to my lappy hence the absent of images from my blog. But fear not, I shall make sure that future entries will be filled with lots of visual aids enough to make you blind :) In fact, I think it's about time for me to reinvent my blog. I've been wanting to do something new ever since the Chinese New Year but because of my work I've been postponing a lot of ideas which could have seen me renovating and posting more frequent in this blog. So now that I'm no longer working split shift, which means that I'll have more time, I want to freshen up my blog and gradually introduce other new stuffs that I hope will keep you guys entertained.

As for my work life, I've shifted to a new F&B outlet at my hotel known as Board Walk after three weeks in Iketeru. Board Walk is some sort of a casual dining restaurant by the pool with live band during the evenings. I must admit that I was quite reluctant to transfer to this outlet due to my initial thought of the afternoon killer heat but I was quickly won over by the ambiance and the working culture over there. In addition to that, among us interns, the place is where all the "observations" should take place.

The relaxing atmosphere at the Board Walk

Sorry for the small picture but at least there is one right? For now I'm enjoying every moment when I'm there but I wouldn't dare to make any early assumptions as I've learned that disaster could be right at the corner. For instance, I had a minor setback during my second day there when I spilled 4 Pina Coladas in front of the guest. Well, unfortunately or fortunately, whichever way you want to view it, it spilled on me instead of the guest. You can't really blame me. It was raining you see and I have to balance four really tall and slim glasses of Pina Coladas on a small round tray while holding an umbrella to shield the drinks (not me... sigh) from the rain. Then disaster happened when I slightly tilted the tray while putting down the umbrella. Lucky for me it happened when I was about to get off from work. The weird thing is I came home craving for Pina Colada so I went to the nearest 7/11 and bought a can of pineapple juice and a box of coconut milk. Thanks to Kel and Nick for my Malibu. Mixed those together and voila...

Rejuvenate yourself with a cold glass of this pineapple and rum concoction. A heavenly blend!

That's about it from me now. Keep watch for my next entry while I go make myself another dose of pineapple heaven. 
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      About Me

      George Town, Penang
      Born and bred in Penang, my one and only home. Currently on a journey of self discovery to find a constant in life. Love my family, love my friends, but still looking for someone to love :P I'm a hopeless day dreamer (includes nightime) To know me better, follow me as I post up bits and pieces of my life in this blog... that is if I manage to update it -.-"